You don't need to c*nsor y*urself, and in fact it's better if you don't- doing so only hurts other's ability to filter out posts they don't want to see. (There is a recent 'Best Stuff First' feature, but everyone shuts it off for the reasons I stated above. Posts also come across your dash in chronological order, on equal ground. You enjoy a post, you reblog it and that's how content spreads around here. This site doesn't place larger accounts and popular content at the top of your feed so that you see that stuff first while anything else gets pushed out and you never get to see it. There's no shitty algorithm that punishes users for swearing, inactivity, 'unmarketable content,' etc. Tumblr is different, and that's why it's good. You don't just get to come here and start demanding that this site work like a different social media because it's not what you're used to. This goes for people coming from other websites too.